I Maintain a Feeling of Inner Peace

Welcome to Day 30 of 30 Days of Calm

Today’s Calming Affirmation: I Maintain a Feeling of Inner Peace

Message for the day:

Over the past 30 days we have intentionally made time in our day to cultivate calm in our lives by taking just a few minutes to get quiet and meditate or visualize. This powerful practice has shifted our perspective and better prepared us to handle stress and challenges that may come up in our lives. The peace and calm that you have experienced of the past 30 days can be maintained by continuing to deepen your meditation practice. We have explored several different types of meditations, and the key is to the types of meditations that resonate with you, whether it is following your breath, using a mantra or focusing your attention on a sound.

Meditation Audio: click to listen

Mindful Moment Self-Reflection:

1. What am I willing to do to maintain my feeling of inner peace?

Congratulations on spending 30 days creating more calm in your life. Remember that the inner peace and calm that you have carefully cultivated will be with you always. All you have to do is simply choose to access it. I had a great time putting this together and meditating with you on a daily basis. You can continue to access this meditation series on the meditation station in the Well Space App. Keep meditating.

Be well. 😊

Dr. Tonya

Your Calm Crusader

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