My Calm Spirit Allows Me to Turn Confrontation into Mutual Understanding

Welcome to Day 21 of 30 Days of Calm

Today’s Calming Affirmation: My Calm Spirit Allows Me to Turn Confrontation into Mutual Understanding

Message for the day:

Often when we are in conflict with others, it’s because each person wants the other to see things from their perspective. As much as we have be conditioned to believe that we should try to change and control others, we have to realize that we don’t control other people, and that ultimately we have to be ok with people just as they are. We are only truly responsible for ourselves. As teachers, our jobs are to guide the children in our classrooms and expose them to knowledge, but we do not control them. They are free spirits with a will of their own. We will be a lot less stressed if we embrace the idea of partnering with children and being a guide on their journey through education. Bringing a calm spirit to the classroom daily allows you to avoid power struggles and turn negative situations into positive ones. It’s not about changing your students, but equipping ourselves with enough peace and calm to share with those who may not have as much of it.

Bring into your awareness any students or co-workers that you may be in conflict with. Hold this person into your awareness and use the following mantra while we meditate together…
May you be well – may you be happy

Meditation Audio: click to listen


Mindful Moment Self-Reflection:

1. Do I find myself trying to convince others that I am right or that my way is the best way?
2. Do I find myself meeting conflict with sincere desire to understand the other person or to control them?

Remember as you go throughout your day to meet conflict with the desire to have a peaceful outcome and a mutual understanding. This is Dr. Tonya enjoy your day and I will see you on day 22 of 30 Days of Calm.
Be well. 😊
Dr. Tonya
Your Calm Crusader
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