My Inner Strength Keeps Growing

Welcome to Day 29 of 30 Days of Calm

Today’s Calming Affirmation: My Inner Strength Keeps Growing

Message for the day:

Each day that we have spent together on this journey, you have grown wiser and more resilient as a teacher and a person. Your mind, heart and spirit are very powerful and your inner strength keeps growing. You have built up your confidence and abilities to handle stress and tackle any challenge that presents itself in your life. You have surrounded yourself with a cloak of peace and calm that will serve you when you need it most. Today we will celebrate the inner strength that we have developed, knowing that it will continue to grow long after this challenge is over.

Meditation Audio: click to listen

Mindful Moment Self-Reflection:

1. What are 3 qualities I associate with inner strength?

2. Why am I stronger today than I was 28 days ago?

Enjoy your day and I will see you on day 30 of 30 Days of Calm.

Be well. 😊

Dr. Tonya

Your Calm Crusader

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