My Mind is Grounded in the Present Moment

Welcome to Day 25 of 30 Days of Calm

Today’s Calming Affirmation: My Mind is Grounded in the Present Moment

Message for the day:

Everyone is so busy multitasking and running from one thing to the next, that we often forget to just enjoy the present moment. To keep yourself in a calm state, its important to be intentional about taking several mini breaks during the day to just be in the present moment. One of the things that I do is to set an alarm on my phone that says Be Here Now…I set the alarm to go off 3 times a day… at 10:00, 2:00 and 6:00. When the alarm goes off, I simply stop what I’m doing, take a few deep breaths and just sit silently for a couple of minutes. If the alarm goes off in the middle of me teaching or talking to someone, I just take a few deep breaths and then continue with my conversation. That short little reminder is enough of a pattern interrupt to bring me out of the rushing, running and multitasking and ground me back into the present moment.

Meditation Audio: click to listen

Mindful Moment Self-Reflection:

1. When is my attention most likely to wander?

2. What can I do to strengthen my ability to focus on the present moment for longer periods of time?

Try adding a little present moment awareness into your day today. Set and alarm to remind yourself to be in the present moment for just a minute or two. This is Dr. Tonya enjoy your day and I will see you on day 26 of 30 Days of Calm.

Be well. 😊

Dr. Tonya

Your Calm Crusader

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