Seeking support brings me peace of mind

Welcome to Day 24 of 30 Days of Calm

Today’s Calming Affirmation: Seeking support brings me peace of mind

Message for the day:

We often believe that we have to carry the weight of our problems and situations on our own, with no help from others. As teachers we feel a sense of shame in asking for support and letting our co-workers know that we are struggling and in need of assistance. We all need help at one point or another, and should have the courage to seek out support long before things get out of control. Asking for support is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength. Today’s meditation will remind of you all the support that is around you. All you have to do is be aware of it and access it.

Meditation Audio: click to listen

Mindful Moment Self-Reflection:

1. When was the last time I asked for help from someone?
2. In what situations do I avoid seeking support from others? How can I change this?

Remember as you go throughout your day that there is support all around you. Be aware of it and access it. This is Dr. Tonya enjoy your day and I will see you on day 25 of 30 Days of Calm.
Be well. 😊
Dr. Tonya
Your Calm Crusader
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